Three Highlights from Replica’s NorCal User Summit

Last week, we had the opportunity to host our third user summit at our office in Oakland, California. We wrote about the top three highlights from the event.

Published on
May 8, 2024

On the Customer Success team here at Replica, we dedicate our time to customer engagement and look forward to meeting with the Replica community face-to-face. Last week, we had the opportunity to host our third user summit at our office in Oakland, California. Nearly 40 attendees – from organizations including Caltrans, Fehr & Peers, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Solano Transportation Authority, and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency – spent the afternoon collaborating, networking, and advancing best practices to drive outcomes for their organizations.

Here are the top three highlights from our NorCal User Summit:

  1. Engaging Customer Spotlights. We were thrilled to showcase five speakers from our NorCal community, who highlighted ways that Replica has provided invaluable support for projects across organizations.
    • Shengyi Gao and Warren Navarro, Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). Our speakers from SACOG, Shengyi and Warren, provided an overview of an origin-destination analysis they completed for a managed lanes project in their region. Replica helped them understand traffic volumes in a chosen segment over time, vehicle flows made by SACOG residents, and population demographics of travelers.
    • Olivia Mendoza, Assistant Consultant at Steer. Olivia highlighted a travel patterns analysis completed for the City of Sacramento’s Travel Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance update. The work is still ongoing, and so far, Replica has enabled Steer to understand how people are traveling in, out, and through the city in an effort to convert more trips to non-single-occupancy (SOV) modes.
    • Rosanna Southern, Senior Transportation Planner at GHD. Rosanna presented two case studies where Replica data was used: An origin-destination analysis to support a road closure in San Joaquin County, and an existing conditions analysis for SR 273’s multimodal corridor plan.
    • Ryan Gardner, Climate Action Programmer at Rincon Consultants, Inc. Ryan highlighted the climate action planning work that Rincon has done with local California agencies to help them meet the state’s climate action legislation goals.
  2. Jam-Packed Programming. Lauren Massey (Director of Client Services), Erin Johnston (Senior Customer Success Manager), and Charlie Bailey (Senior Solutions Architect) ran sessions that included an informative Replica 101 session, an exciting look at Replica’s 2024 product roadmap, a demonstration of the Safe Streets Planner, and a learning session on how to best leverage Replica for projects like active transportation planning, EV charging station siting, and transit market assessments.
  3. Insightful User Feedback. User feedback is invaluable to us. We want to give members of the Replica community the opportunity to let us know what is most useful and how we can support their projects. Mackenzie Watten, Travel Behavior Practice Leader at Fehr & Peers, said, “It was valuable to connect with other Replica users and understand how our peers and clients are leveraging Replica’s platform. We were also excited to get a sneak peek at the product roadmap and have the opportunity to provide input on upcoming product features. It’s great to see Replica’s commitment to creating a collaborative community among its users.”

Replica exists to help you solve the most difficult decisions about the built environment, and we’re looking forward to hosting more summits in the future. Interested in a User Summit in your region? Let us know!

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